You want your child to have their own identity, and a unique name will help them achieve that. Instead of naming your son after his father, try finding a more individualistic name.
Some of the most unique boy names are shorter versions of traditional names, like Huck, Zander, and Jase. Others are resurrections of old school names, as with Atticus, Dorian, Roland, and Desmond. Newer boy names include Arlo, Avi, and Kai.
If you are stumped for ideas of what to name your baby boy and want a unique name for your child, read on to learn 25 unique names for your child! Below you’ll also find a list of 408 unique boy names. Let’s get started!

25 Unique Boy Names With Meanings
VeryManyNames has gone through a plethora of unique names and chosen some of the most hottest unique boy names for you.
Name 1: Jase
The name Jase is a shorter version of Jason, which is of Hebrew descent. Both names are considered to mean “healer” or sometimes “the lord is salvation.”
Jase has a cooler feeling to it than Jason, and it’s a name that is already in a nickname version, meaning your child won’t be subject to odd versions of his name. Jase is a perfect name if you want the essence of a traditional name with a modern flair.
Name 2: Roland
Roland is a classic name that ties back to Charlemagne, the famed ruler of Western Europe in the 7th century. Roland was the name of Charlemagne’s nephew, who was rumored to be eight feet tall and a hero at the center of many epic stories and poems.
The name Roland means “famous throughout the land” and is perfect for a child that will be loved by a large community or family.
Name 3: Desmond
The name Desmond stems from the great Kingdom of Desmond in southwestern Ireland. The Kingdom of Desmond was made from a subdivision of the Kingdom of Munster, and Desmond means “south Munster.”
Desmond is a noble name that sounds exotic and is often shortened to the charming nicknames “Dez” and “Dezi,” making it a name that can adapt to almost anyone.
Name 4: Maynard
The name Maynard is an English derivative of the German name Mainard, which means “brave strength.” The two-syllable word is simple to pronounce but has a certain elevated elegance to it.
If you’ve ever met a Maynard in your life, you’re not likely to forget this unique name, which makes it perfect for your one-of-a-kind child.
Name 5: Wren
A wren is a small bird in Ireland, where they consider it a “magician of the birds.” Amongst Irish druids, it is thought of as an epic bird destined to fulfill prophecies.
While Wren has been historically used for females, it is a cousin to Robin, which has transferred to a unisex name over time. Wren is destined to do the same, so get ahead of the curve while the name still has something special.
Name 6: Silas
A name of Latin origin, Silas means “forest” or “woods.” In the New Testament of the Christian Bible, St. Silas was involved in spreading the word of Christianity in the first days. The name has since been used in many novels, television series, and other media sources to represent intelligent, standout characters.
Name 7: Atticus
Atticus stems from the similarly named region of Ancient Greece, Attica. Attica held the great city of Athens, and many of our modern names were inspired by this period of Ancient times.
You may recognize the name Atticus as the main character of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird. Atticus Finch is a lawyer in depression-era Alabama who takes on a hot-button case in this famous piece of literature which deals with racism in the south.
Atticus is a noble name that belongs to a child to grow up to defend the downtrodden and do great things.
Name 8: Ashton
Ashton, the more masculine version of Ashley, has been hovering around the edges of popularity for some time. It saw an influx in the mid-2000s with the rise of actor Ashton Kutcher, but now that he is no longer at the point of trends, it is the perfect time to use the name for your special little boy.
Ashton has the appeal of being easy to pronounce and spell while also holding a touch of something unusual.
Name 9: Dax
Dax is a name that sounds all-American but is French in origin. The name is the ultimate in names: their nickname and three-letter names are always simple to repeat, no matter where your child’s life takes him.
Name 10: Easton
Easton, like Ashton, is an English name that describes a place. In old English, the early version of the word “town” was “ton.” While Ashton means “a town of ash trees,” Easton means “an east-facing town.”
Easton is simultaneously contemporary and traditional, with names like West and North both being in vogue. The added ending for Easton keeps a level of poshness to the name and will mature effortlessly as your son grows up.
Name 11: Huck
If you like the appeal of classic names but want something with a bit more of a modern touch, look no further than Huck. Short for Huckleberry, this name was made famous in the 1876 novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The likable character of Huckleberry Finn, often just “Huck,” ran around with his good friend Tom Sawyer and eventually was the star of his follow-up novel.
Huck is a great name for a happy young boy that is quick to make friends. And if you don’t love Huck– consider Finn, an equally endearing name.
Name 12: Arlo
Arlo is an Old English name that was often spelled “Arlow” or “Arlowe,” and means “fortified hill.” This name has been updated by dropping the last letters, making the appearance more modern.
Arlo is a name that will make your son stand out– in a good way.
Name 13: Declan
Declan has Irish roots stemming from St. Declán, who opened a monastery in early 5th century Ireland. The name means “man of prayer” and is a good name if you believe in god, but don’t want your child’s name to be overly religious.
Name 14: Maddox
Maddox was originally a Welsh last name that meant “son of Maddoc.” Maddoc was a noble Welsh prince who was the first to sail to the New World according to Welsh lore– not Christopher Columbus.
Maddox moved from the last name to first and is an edgy yet elegant first name for a boy. Maddox also has the advantage of being a unisex name and can be shortened into many sweet nicknames like “Mads,” “Maddie,” and “Doc.”
Name 15: Ronin
Ronin is a strong name from Japan, where it means “wanderer” or “drifter.” A Japanese ronin was a warrior, a legendary samurai, that operated on his own instead of serving anyone lord.
Today, Ronin is a name that inspires strength, independence, and a sense of justice.
Name 16: Avi
This Hebrew name stems either from Avram or Avraham, which is the traditional spelling of Abraham. Avi is a popular name for Jewish communities, and its appeal is spreading to other cultures.
Avi is short, simple, and can be used for males and females alike. You can name your son the proper Avram, or shorten it to Avi as a nickname, or keep it the modern and attractive Avi right off the bat.
Name 17: Dorian
Dorian is yet another name that gained immense popularity through literature. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde is a famed novel from 1891 with elements of fantasy.
Even further back than that, the name stemmed from Dorus, a Greek hero of great reputation. The name means “gift,” and bestowing it upon your son would be giving him the gift of an epic yet beautiful name.
Name 18: Conway
Conway was a popular name that has shared history in Welsh, Gaelic, and Irish cultures. The name means “holy river” and is sometimes considered to mean “hound of the plain.” The name has been given to noblemen and farmhands alike and has the benefit of being spelled phonetically.
Name 19: Presley
While Presley would never have gained the immense following, had it not been for the “King of Rock and Roll,” Elvis Presley. While the king died in 1977, his legend lives on, and the name Presley still impresses.
The name was long used as a surname but has since seen a rise as a first name. Presley is suitable if you have not yet checked the sex of the baby and want your selected name to be unisex and trendy.
Name 20: Flynn
Flynn can be found leading or completing a name, having been both a first name and a surname in Ireland for some time. It stems from the name “Flann,” which means “reddish” or “ruddy.”
Flynn is a charming name that seems to call for young boys’ adventures and whimsy, much like Huck. Flynn is also closely related to names Flint and Finn, so choose whichever versions of this name suit your future child the best.
Name 21: Kai
Kai is a name found in multiple cultures. In Hawaiian, Kai is used for both males and females and means “ocean” or “sea.” In Japan, the word kai has similar meanings, including “shell,” “ocean,” and “recovery,” or healing. In Welsh, Kai means “keeper of the keys” and has roots in Greek and German.
With so many origins around the world, anyone can use Kai to give their son a sense of wanderlust, worldliness, and the poetic beauty of the sea.
Name 22: Lennox
Lennox comes from Gaelic and Scottish origins and means “with numerous elm trees.” It was often used to describe a place in a wooded area where many elm trees stood, also called a grove.
Lennox is a name for the modern millennium with a name that has a meaning tied to nature and the always-cool letter X to end the name.
Name 23: Roman
Few empires had such a prosperous and mighty reign as the Roman Empire, which ruled Rome and the surrounding area for nearly 500 years. Roman started as a first name, but it originally meant a person who lived in Rome.
Roman as a name reflects upon the strength of a mighty empire that had a huge impact on modern technology, culture, and art. The name is ideal for a couple of Greek descent or anyone passionate about history and powerful societies.
Name 24: Weston
As mentioned, “ton” was a word in Old English that referred to a “town” or an “area” of a place. “Weston” meant an area or town to the west. Like with Easton, the name is new-age and conventional all at once, being a part directional name that is so trendy and having the “ton” ending, which keeps it classic.
Name 25: Zander
Zander is a name that stems from Alexander, which comes from Ancient Greece. Alexander the Great was a famed king from Ancient Greece who ruled over one of the most successful kingdoms in history– Macedonia.
While Alexander has been a popular name for millennia, the shortened form Zander is still unique but equally epic.
408 Unique Boy Names
Below is a list of unique boy names:
A-H | I-Z |
Aayan | Ignacio |
Ab | Ira |
Abbott | Irven |
Abe | Isam |
Adan | Isiah |
Adrien | Issac |
Agustus | Ivy |
Ahmir | Jabari |
Alaric | Jabez |
Albertus | Jacoby |
Aldo | Jad |
Alexis | Jair |
Alexzander | Jairo |
Alfonso | Jakari |
Alfonzo | Jamal |
Alistair | Jame |
Almer | Jamey |
Alphonso | Jared |
Alva | Javion |
Alvaro | Jaxen |
Alvia | Jeffery |
Ambrose | Jere |
Ameer | Jeremias |
Anakin | Jericho |
Anders | Jermaine |
Andra | Jerome |
Anson | Jesiah |
Arian | Jessee |
Aries | Jewel |
Arnie | Jodie |
Arnoldo | Joeseph |
Artie | Jonas |
Artie | Jordy |
Arvid | Jovanni |
Ashby | Judd |
Augusta | Judson |
Augustus | Juelz |
Aurthur | Julious |
Ayan | Junious |
Aziel | Justice |
Azrael | Kabir |
Babe | Kalel |
Baldwin | Kamdyn |
Banks | Karen |
Barbara | Katherine |
Barnett | Keenan |
Baron | Kelly |
Barrett | Kenny |
Barron | Kerwin |
Bartholomew | Kevan |
Barton | Kirk |
Bear | Kit |
Benicio | Knute |
Benton | Kolten |
Bernardo | Kory |
Bernie | Kylen |
Billy | Kylian |
Bjorn | Kylo |
Blaine | Kyng |
Blaine | Lacy |
Blaise | Landry |
Blaze | Lars |
Bobby | Lauren |
Bode | Lavern |
Boden | Lawerence |
Booker | Lawyer |
Boston | Layton |
Boyce | Leander |
Brad | Lennie |
Bradford | Leonel |
Bradley | Leroy |
Brant | Lesley |
Braydon | Levy |
Brenda | Lou |
Brentley | Lyle |
Brice | Lyman |
Bridger | Mac |
Brien | Mac |
Brock | Maison |
Broderick | Major |
Brodie | Malakhi |
Brooks | Marc |
Buck | Marcelino |
Buck | Marcellus |
Budd | Marlon |
Buford | Marquis |
Burl | Maxim |
Cal | Maxton |
Callahan | Mayson |
Calum | Mckinley |
Camilo | Merrick |
Carmelo | Mervin |
Ceylon | Micah |
Chaim | Michel |
Chalmers | Milford |
Chauncey | Mitchel |
Chesley | Moises |
Chin | Monroe |
Clair | Montgomery |
Cleo | Mustafa |
Cole | Mylo |
Coleman | Napoleon |
Colter | Nellie |
Cory | Niklaus |
Creed | Noble |
Crockett | Nova |
Cynthia | Obed |
Cyril | Oda |
Cyril | Odis |
Daisy | Orren |
Dakari | Ottis |
Dane | Paris |
Dangelo | Patricia |
Dante | Prince |
Darell | Quincy |
Darian | Quinn |
Dario | Rafe |
Darrick | Rayford |
Darron | Raymundo |
Darry | Redden |
Darryle | Reese |
Darryll | Reginald |
Darwin | Reinaldo |
Daryle | Remi |
Davion | Rene |
Dayton | Reuben |
Deborah | Rhett |
Debra | Ricki |
Dennie | Robin |
Denver | Rodney |
Derrell | Roel |
Devon | Rogers |
Dhruv | Rolland |
Dilan | Rome |
Dominik | Ronnie |
Donovan | Rube |
Dorsey | Ruby |
Dow | Rudy |
Duff | Rupert |
Earle | Salem |
Edie | Salomon |
Edith | Salvatore |
Elick | Sammie |
Elie | Sanders |
Eliga | Sandra |
Eliseo | Santos |
Elroy | Sebastian |
Ely | Sekani |
Emir | Seven |
Emmitt | Sid |
Ennis | Simeon |
Enrique | Soloman |
Ephraim | Stacy |
Erasmus | Stanford |
Esau | Stanton |
Everette | Stefan |
Ezra | Stephon |
Ferdinand | Stevan |
Firman | Stone |
Fleming | Tab |
Fletcher | Terrance |
Flora | Thad |
Forest | Titus |
Foster | Titus |
Fox | Toby |
Gardner | Tracy |
Garret | Trevor |
Gaylon | Tristen |
Gee | Tristian |
Genesis | Tru |
Gerald | Truman |
Glynn | Turner |
Gonzalo | Van |
Gorge | Vance |
Gottlieb | Vernie |
Gregorio | Vivaan |
Gregory | Wallace |
Gustavus | Walt |
Halsey | Wardell |
Handy | Warner |
Hardie | Waymon |
Harl | Wendell |
Harlem | Wes |
Hayden | Wesson |
Hays | Wilford |
Hayward | Wilhelm |
Heath | Will |
Henrik | Willam |
Herb | Willian |
Hermon | Wilmer |
Herschel | Windell |
Hershel | Woody |
Hershel | Xzavier |
Holly | Yadiel |
Hosteen | Yael |
Howard | Yahya |
Hoyt | Yancy |
Hudson | Yee |
Huey | Yisroel |
Huey | Zahir |
Humphrey | Zakai |
Hunt | Zavier |
Hunter | Zeke |
Hyrum | Zyon |
Unique Boy Names That Only One Person Is Named
If you truly want to have a unique name for your child, you need a one-of-a-kind title. With over seven billion people on the planet, this is no easy feat. Many people turn to name their children after objects, weather events, or simply make up a name by putting two existing names together.
If you want to name your child something no one else has ever been named, you could also change the spelling of a known name so that the name’s pronunciation is completely different. For instance, instead of Elliot, you could change the name to Velliot or Elliope.
These may sound odd at first, but imagine what the world’s names will be like in 50 years when the global population has reached nearly 10 billion. To give your child a unique name for the rest of their life, you’ll have to think outside of the box now.
Here are some names that likely only one person is named:
- Circle
- Adobe
- Elcamino
- Raintree
- Nile
- Tennyson
- Tile
- Congoleum
- Chardonnay
- Savvy
- Sealy
- Patruece
- Meteor
Unique Boy Names That Make You Stand Out
Whether you’re looking to name your future child or looking to legally change your name, there are certain things you can do to select a standout name.
Do a Google Search
The first step in checking out how popular the name you have in mind is to search up the name on google. This will bring you to thousands of sites that will report any famous people with this name, if any, and hundreds of sites that will list the popularity of the name.
Ask Your Friends if They’ve Ever Met Someone With That Name
A good way to get a grasp on the popularity of a name is to poll the people around you. Ask your friends and family if they’ve ever met anyone with the name you have in mind. Ask your server at your restaurant during your next meal out. Ask colleagues in passing if they had a classmate with that name.
If no one you know has ever known anyone with that name, you have a good start on a unique name.
Look Up the Name on the Social Security Administration
Another website that will give you insight into the popularity of a name is the Social Security Administration. On the home page, the website shows the top 10 baby names for males and females of 2019.
Exploring the rest of the website will let you search the popularity of a given name throughout different decades. You can also search by year and state, finding the top five names for any state and any year stretching back to 1960.
Summary of Unique Boy Names
You have no limit of options for what to name your son, but the key is to find the balance between special and bizarre. A name too strange, and your child could face teasing throughout childhood. However, your son will end up with a bland name that fades into the background without a little creativity.
Explore the names in this list to find a name that is unique for your future child. If nothing else, you’ll be collecting ideas for names for your son. Discovering the names you don’t like is just as important as finding ones you do.