Baby Name Generator
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A name generator helps you breeze through picking the perfect name to suit any occasion. You can choose random names or guide the process by setting the parameters you wish to use, including country,...
The Baby Name Generator offers the huge advantage of not knowing your limitations or preferences. It helps you think outside the box by providing unique options you might have not considered before.
Popular baby names in the U.S. during the last 100 years (1920-2020) include names like James, John and Robert for boys and Mary, Patricia and Jennifer for girls. On the list you can also find names...
The most popular baby books on Amazon are a great place to start. Read on for a list of popular baby books that are sure to be a hit for your newborn.
The newest iPhone is called the iPhone 12, with four different models. Each model of the new iPhone 12 has different variations on the main improvements of the A14 chip and 5G cellular. The...
Some cute dog names are inspired by food: Miso, Taco, Peanut, Waffles, and Cupcake are all adorable names for a dog. Other cute names have to do with other animals: Bear, Turtle, Panda, and Raven are...