Baby Name Generator
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When it comes to pet names, the name you choose says a lot about your relationship with your pet and the pet's personality or traits. Today, pet owners view their pets as a part of their family and...
The most common French boy names in France right now are Gabriel, Hugo and Lucas. These are names that you probably recognize from the US list. More unique French boy names include Léo, Raphaël and...
When coming up with names for black dogs, they are many and can be gathered from almost any source of inspiration, from movies to drinks to maps. But in case the pressure is on and you can’t think...
The longest name in the world, according to the Guinness World Records, belongs to a man with 26 first names, one for each letter of the alphabet. His last name is 597 characters long. The shortened...
Having a baby is the most magical time of your life, and it just seems fitting that your baby has a magical name too. If you are fond of the sea, oceans, or just love the movie "The Little Mermaid,"...
German names are heavily tied to family lines and inheritance. They’re put through strict quality control, and can range from somewhat traditional names like Friedrich to universal names like...