Baby Name Generator
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Last names started as the population grew, and it became necessary to distinguish people who had the same first name. Early last names came from locations, occupations, or characteristics, but...
Old Norse mythology is chock-full of warring gods and goddesses, and each of them has a uniquely Scandanavian name or title. Old Norse names harken back to ancient traditions, beliefs, and cultures,...
If your newborn turns to you at the sound of your voice during the first few months of his life, it is most likely because he hears the sound of your voice, not because he recognizes his name! Most...
It’s tempting to think of a maiden name as something pure and said with reservation. Even more confusing, when creating a password online, you might’ve come across security questions asking for...
Chances are, even if you have a middle name, you probably haven’t put much thought into why you have one. Outside of your friends and family, many people may not even know what your middle name is....
Old lady names are cool and traditional names. Some names just goes in trends. An "old name" is also a matter of a personal perspective. For some people a name can appar to as old, while it for...