Baby Name Generator
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Popular baby names differ between states. The reasons for this vary from local differences to the cultural mix of the population and the popularity of specific celebrities. Baby names by state is...
Swedish names are names that are typical found in Sweden. In Swedish, the first names precede the surname or surnames. First names are also called baptismal names and one or more are used as first...
There are many reasons why someone might change their name. Some people may not feel a connection to the name they were given, or they may not like the way it sounds or is spelled. Others may want to...
If you are idly curious or if you are looking to name a chaotic evil wizard for your next D&D session, read on for a complete list of demon names.
German girl names that are commonly given to newborns today in Germany are Emilia, Hannah, Sophia, Lea and Klara. Also see the complete list of 265 German girl names in alphabetical order.
German boy names that are commonly given to newborns today in Germany are Noah, Leon and Paul. Old German names for boys that where popular during the World War One was Anton, Josef, Fritz, Wilhelm,...