Baby Name Generator
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French names have changed throughout the years in response to historical events and figures, language changes, parental desires, and more. There is a wide variety of French names currently in use, a...
Italian names are steeped in culture. More than likely, an Italian name has a long history that dates back to ancient Rome. Read on to get inspired by male and female Italian names, their storied...
Quintessential Canadian names are inspired by the different waves of immigration that have recharacterized what it means to be Canadian. While today's popular names, like Sophia and Liam, are more...
Bird Names: How do I Choose a Name? Getting tips and suggestions can help find the perfect names for your bird. You can draw inspiration from famous people, famous birds, your own family, or the most...
There are easily over hundreds of millions of different names in the world. The exact number is difficult to calculate as every day, there are babies with new and unique names being born. However,...
The history of Irish names follows a centuries-long period of change. The names adapted to the brutal ruling forces that impacted the Irish language in a variety of ways, so names changed over the...