It probably isn’t surprising that one of the most popular colors for dogs is black. Certainly if you have a black lab, you have a black dog, but many breeds from Great Danes to Dachshunds can be black. There is something about the black dog that has captured our hearts and imaginations.
When coming up with names for black dogs, they are many and can be gathered from almost any source of inspiration, from movies to drinks to maps. But in case the pressure is on and you can’t think of any black dog names, here is a list to help you that is broken down by different male and female sub categories.

Night : Black Male Dog Names
Starting with the obvious choices first, you could choose to name your dog with a night related word. There are actually a lot of cool words related to the night and the night sky that would work as names for your black dog. Some of them are gender neutral, but many of them have male connotations. Here are a few suggestions:
- Midnight
- Nocturne
- Black Hole
- Zodiak
- Orion
- Pluto
- Scorpio
- Neptune
- Cosmos
- Cosmo
- Nash (the name for a star in the constellation Sagittarius)
- Night
- Dark
- Murky
- Gloomy
Night : Black Female Dog Names
There are many words associated with night and the night sky that have feminine characteristics and could be used to describe a certain aspect of your dog. Night words can come with an element of mystery which you may find your dog naturally has. Night words also tend to carry an element of quiet with them. Here are a few to try out:
- Eclipse
- Galaxy
- Nebula
- Dusk
- Gemeni
- Ursa
- Zenith
- Halo
- Nova
- Cosmia
- Nisha (which means “night” in the Sanskrit language)
- Nightfall
- Shade
- Nightshade
- Twilight
- Moon
- Amaya (which means “night rain” in Japanese)
Movie/TV : Black Male Dog Names
Nothing inspires creativity quite like the silver screen. From the moment you leave the movies that you love, you probably quote your favorite lines, describe your favorite scenes to your friends, and talk about your favorite actors. What better way to name your dogs than by immortalizing them with a name from your favorite movie:
- Batman
- Darth Vader
- Electro
- Flash
- Night Rider
- Phantom (as in Phantom of the Opera)
- Griswold
- Chewbacca (Chewie for short)
- Clint Eastwood (Clint for short)
- Harry Potter (Pawter)
- Kylo Ren
- Loki
- Flint
- Ford (as in Harrison)
- Merlin
- Maverick
- Orpheus
- Felix
- Enigma
- Rogue One
Movie/TV : Black Female Dog Names
Now here is to our favorite movie actresses and characters that capture our imaginations and send us into pretend land every time. If your dog has a flair for the dramatic, you might want to consider these names.
- Black Widow
- Black Pearl (or just Pearl)
- Electra
- Rebel (as in Rebel Base)
- Disney (it could work as both male or female)
- Black Beauty
- Vesper
- Cat Woman (if you like ironic twists)
- Storm
- Luna
People : Black Male Dog Names
One of the best things to do for your dog is give him a human name. After years of Fido, Spot, or Blacky, owners have begun putting human names on their dogs. This has had the effect both of elevating dogs to their proper roles as family members and also giving them a comedic punch by having a name that would normally be a persons:
- Ash
- Ashton
- Asher
- Damien
- Gunnar
- Andy
- Adam
- Buddy
- Charlie
- Cooper
- Franklin
- George
- Jacob
- Jimmy
- Luke
- Liam
- Oliver
- Patrick
- Rex
- Robbie
- Sammy
- Ryan
- Bartholomew
- Bart
- Blake
- Corbin
- Bruno
- Cole
- Colby
- Dashiell
- Duncan
- Emery
- Kodiak
- Kodi
- Kieran
- Sullivan
- Sully
- Tynan
- Bosco
- Rosco
- Coletrane
- Skye
- Skylar
People : Black Female Dog Names
For comedic punch there can be nothing like a beautiful, elegant name that is usually given to a woman, but instead is given to a goofy dog with her ears inside out. On the other hand, sometimes an austere name can bring out your dog’s natural poise and regal stature. Here are some female people names for your black dog:
- Ashley
- Hale
- Jinx
- Micky
- Bessy
- Annie
- Chi Chi
- Ellie
- Daisy
- Freda
- Elsa
- Evie
- Eve
- Greta
- Gina
- Godiva
- Harriet
- Kit
- Kathrine
- Lexi
- Leila
- Lily
- Lolly
- Lolita
- Riley
- Petunia
- Penny
- Tilly
- Yasmin
- Trix
- Trixie
- Vilma
- Velma
- Veta
- Tiana
- Viola
- Zara
- Zena
- Zaza
- Adrain
- Artemis
- Athena
- Arya
- Astra
- Brena
- Celeste
- Calla
- Dahlia
- Deva
- Denali
- Dakota
- Delaney
- Darcy
- Duna
- Elvira
- Kiera
- Layla
- Lyra
- Nerissa
- Olive
- Opal
- Selkie
- Ophelia
- Selena
- Stella
- Vega

Animal : Black Male Dog Names
One fun way to name your dog is to use names of other animals. Sometimes this can bring out a characteristic of your dog that another name would fail to do. Maybe your dog is small but has big paws. “Bear” would be a fun name to give him. Other animal names could work with both genders, but here are some male-like suggestions:
- Falcon
- Lion
- Mustang
- Stallion
- Crow
- Angus
- Bear
- Bran (which means “raven”)
- Turtle
- Whale
- Bat
- Snake
Animal : Black Female Dog Names
There are certain animal names that can carry feminie characteristics. Sometime if they end in an “a,” they can feel more femine than masculine. Also, sometimes, words from a foriegn language can have a femine feel to them. Possibly it is even the animal itself that carries with it a certain grace that you want to associate with your dog:
- Cheetah
- Panda
- Raven
- Panther
- Jaguar
- Fox
- Oso (which means “Bear” in Spanish)
- Starling
- Seal
- Orca
- Momba
- Shamu
Object : Black Male Dog Names
Sometimes an object can describe what you see in your dog. “Eightball,” for example, is a familiar name for a black dog with a white spot. But it keeps being used because it simply works with some dogs, especially if they have a quirky personality. Other objects could work for you as well. Here are some objects that could go with male dogs:
- Eightball
- Graphite
- Carbon
- Coal
- Slate
- Black Diamond
- Bolt
- Bullet
- Diesel
- Knight
- Roadster
- Spade
- Black-eyed Pea
- Black Mirror
- Buttons
- Dirt
- Kodiak
- Matches
- Rocket
- Spot
- Whiskers
- Basil
- Leather
- Sky
- Black Berry
- Poppy
- Kettle
- Tux
- Butler
- Tuxedo
- Ore
- Cast Iron
- Mold
- Hole (Holey)
- Stone (Stoney)
- Lead
- Mud
- Oil
- Metal
- Agate
- Asphalt
- Pit
- Pitch
- Blackjack
- Dice
- Pawn
- Ace
- King
- Shadow
- Fog
- Foggy
- Mountain
- Thunder
- Stain
- Bamboo
- Wednesday
- Black Jack

Object : Black Female Dog Names
Objects can also have feminine connotations, though many could work both ways. You could say that, in this case, the distinction between masculine and feminine names is more subjective than objective. Given that, here are a few object options for you to look at for naming your girl dog:
- Blackberry
- Charcoal
- Onyx
- Soot
- Arrow
- Diamond
- Breaker
- Domino
- Ink
- Lightning
- Razor
- Sharpie
- Black-eyed Susan
- Black Friday
- Dust (or Dusty)
- Puddles
- Speckle
- Baby
- Boots
- Iris
- Lollipop
- Opal
- Pansy
- Petal
- Raspberry
- Rain
- Velvet
- Mica
- Iron
- Mildew
- Magma
- Lava
- Obsidian
- Char
- Ember
- Tar
- Satin
- Slag
- Soil
- Steam
- Checker
- Queen
- Chess
- Mist
- Misty
Descriptive : Black Male Dog Names
Often dog owners will choose names for their dogs that describe some aspect of their dog’s appearance or their dog’s behavior. Spot, which was listed earlier as an object, could also fit as a descriptive name. Other nouns could be changed from objects to descriptions, such as Soot to Sooty. See if you can spot some more:
- Blackout
- Magic
- Jet
- Mortician
- Shady
- Danger
- Electric
- Hunter
- Ninja
- Renegade
- Thunder
- Black Tie
- Goth
- Sweeper
- Sneaky
- Noir
- Indigo
- Kuro
- Smoky
- Grit
- Muddy
- Heavy Metal
- Doom
- Grim
- Shine
- Ink Spot
- Stain
- Bad Boy
- Miner
- Boomer
Read more: Dog names that mean protector or guardian.
Descriptive : Black Female Dog Names
As with many of the other types of names, femenine here is somewhat subjective. Some words will sound femenine to you that were in the masculine category and some words will sound masculine below in the femenine category. Feel free to switch it up if you choose. Dog names are more about character and appearance than gender:
- Ebony
- Inky
- Jetta
- Morticia
- Sable
- Shady Lady
- Stormy
- Voodoo
- Dark Angel
- Gothic
- Gypsy
- Shock
- Tundra
- Black Swan
- Cloudy
- Wiggles
- Lady
- Legend
- Sable
- Wilder
- Witch
- Smoke
- Sooty
- Smudge
- Black Magic
- Mystery
- Gloss
- Angst
- Ghost
- Mascara
- Nyx
- Burnt
Food : Black Male Dog Names
There are few things more adorable than a black dog named after a food item. You can include in this so many things for coffee drinks to candy bars, from main courses to desserts. A male dog may benefit from a food name, especially if he is always after treats in the kitchen or scraps that fall from the table.
For this category the names are broken down into subcategories. It might be easier for you to work with these suggestions that way.
Spices tend to liven up your favorite foods, especially if you apply them in a way that matches the food you are working with. Here are spicy suggestions:
- Salt
- Pepper
- Oregano
Salt or pepper might work for an older black dog that you have adopted. Maybe he has white hair coming through.
Drinks are on the house and so is your dog. In a manner of speaking. Some dogs are everyone’s friend and that means a name that everyone loves might be in order. Here are a few suggestions:
- Coke
- Dr. Pepper
- Guiness
- Coco
- Mr. Pibb
- Bourbon
There would be nothing more charming than meeting a black dog named Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper. Dogs spread a lot of joy, and their names are often part of that.
Coffee Drinks
Boy dogs have some real attributes with regards to some aspects of coffee. Starting with normal coffee, no cream or sugar. Here are a few coffee related words to consider:
- Coffee
- Bean
- Espresso
- Roast
Finally we come to the best food group of all: dessert. What better way to celebrate your best friend than with a name from your favorite dessert? Check out these possibilities:
- Fudge
- Hershey
- Oreo
- Chocolate
You cannot go wrong with dog names like these for your favorite black dog. Dogs are as sweet as candy.
Food : Black Female Dog Names
Female dogs can benefit from food names as well. From spices to servings, there are a lot of food items that can speak to your girl dog’s traits. As with many of these categories, food items can be interchangeable with the genders. That said, here are a few suggestions in the same food categories.
Your girl dog can add a lot of personality and spice to your life. Maybe she is bright and bold, or maybe she is subtle. Here are some suggestions:
- Sage
- Rosemary
- Thyme
All Simon and Garfunkel jokes aside, these spice names could be the perfect fit for your black female dog. And if you want other suggestions, check out the spice rack at your grocery store!
Drinks can have a definite feminine flair. Even some drinks that might feel masculine can be described with a word that might fit your female dog perfectly. Here are the suggestions:
- Coca-Cola
- Pepsi
- Cola
- Anise
- Rum
- Whiskey
So take a good look at your dog and see if you can see whiskey or cola in her eyes. You might be surprised. She may turn out to be a Pina Colada!
Coffee Drinks
Boy dogs aren’t the only ones who have a corner of the coffee market. Girl dogs can have some great coffee drink names as well. Check out these:
- Mocha
- Americana
- Cappuccino
It would be hard not to love a black dog with a caffeinated name based on a coffee drink. Some dogs do have a lot of energy, so these names would fit an active dog.
Now it is time for dessert. Pick one out that you like the most and have a best friend who always reminds you of your favorite food.
- Fudgie
- Brownie
- Sugar
- Licorice
- Coca
- Cocoa Puff
- Honey
These names could work for a variety of types of dogs. “Coca” could fit a bigger black dog, while “Cocoa Puff” would be perfect for a little black dog with poofy hair.
Celebrity or Historical Goofy Black Dog Names
Short of naming your dog after a celebrity or a famous band or historical person (which this list includes), is naming your dog in a goofy reference to that person. That could bring a real comic presence to your dog’s personality. If you want your dog to be a walking smile bringer, then check out these names.
For male black dogs there is:
- Black Keys
- Black Sabbath
- Metallica
- 50 Cent
- Colin Howel
- Dwight D. Eisenhoweler
- L.L. Drool J
- Zero Bark Thirty
- Droolius Ceasar
- Poe (as in the poet and writer Edgar Allen Poe)
- Groucho (as in Marx)
- Styx
- Bark Ruffalo
For female black dogs you could try:
- Angela Bassett (hound)
- Billie Eileash
- Kim Kardauchshund
If you and your dog value celebrity references, corny or not, these names may just be the ticket for you.
Action Names
For a list of names that could work for both male and female dogs, there is no better resource than a list of names that are actions. Often dog owners use action words to name their dogs. Maybe they did something and the word reminds you of what they did. Or maybe the word describes something that your dog is prone to doing:
- Pounce
- Racer
- Doodle
- Scout
- Forge
- Smelt
- Vanish
If actions speak louder than words, then action names can be some of the best names out there. It is also a good way to come up with your own names for your dog. Actions are gender neutral so you don’t have to worry whether it is a boy or girl dog name. Just watch what your black dog does and see if that makes a good action name.
Military Names
Some dog owners have a military background, or maybe they think their dog should have been in the army. Either there are some cool military related names that might fit your dog, male or female. Read through this short list and see if there is a name that clicks with your dog’s personality:
- Soldier
- Spy
- Black Ops
- Tank
Place Names
Relating your dog’s name to a place is a good way to give it a great name. If you think of your black dog, you might think of places more in the north, where the days are shorter and darker in the winter. You also think of the places where you live and see if you come across any words that conjure up a theme to go with your black dog.
Once again, place names tend to be gender neutral. It just depends on whether or not it fits your dog’s personality and the color of his coat. Take a look at these names:
- Salem
- Eugene
- Yukon
- Seattle
- Montana
- Alaska
- Michigan
- Idaho
- Siberia
- Helsinki

The possibilities are really endless, and you have a large number of resources to draw ideas from. Pull up a map of your area and start looking at towns, mountain ranges, valleys, lakes, streams, and street names. Something will likely conjure up the color and personality of your dog.
The thing about naming your dog is that it is not so much about creating the name, as it is about finding the name. If you are a dog person you can probably imagine that the name is already there. You are just looking through lists and maps and watching your dogs actions to find out what his or her name really is.
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