Baby Name Generator
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Swedish names are names that are typical found in Sweden. In Swedish, the first names precede the surname or surnames. First names are also called baptismal names and one or more are used as first...
The most common name in the world is Wang, meaning king, and is the last name of an estimated 92.8 million people on China's mainland. The most common first name is Maria, a Latin name that...
The most common names in the world usually are of Hebrew origin and have great biblical significance. Common male names include Robert, John, Matthew, James, and Michael. Popular female names are...
The 5 most popular boy names in the United States are James, John, Robert, William, and Michael. In recent years, the most popular boy names have included Liam, Noah, Oliver, Elijah, and Logan.
Middle names are certainly more popular than they ever have been. If a person has a common first and last name a middle name can help her be distinguished from other people with the same...