Baby Name Generator
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If you’re looking for a vampire name for yourself or need to name some vampire characters in a story you’re writing, there are some things to take into consideration. Whether you choose something...
Some of the best American places to name your baby after are Brooklyn, Austin, Phoenix, Arizona, and Lincoln. For more exotic names, choose a foreign place like Nairobi, Sakura, Florence, Sicily, or...
Norwegian Names – Common Male / Female / Last Names in Norway
Norwegian names have been heavily influenced by western countries over the last few decades. Hansen is the most common last name and Jan and Anne are the most common first names in Norway.
Forbidden names include King, Duke, Judge, and Master in the US. The UK includes Rogue, Monkey, Martian, and a few other silly illegal names. Many other countries have banned names like IKEA, Batman,...
Some of the unique names for girls are short names like Sage, Nova, Drew, and Billie. Longer unique names include Azalea, Arabella, Valencia, and Delilah. Classic names are also uncommon yet lovely....
A parent's greatest fear is that the names they choose for their little girl will be too common. Therefore, they will hunt for new unique names, but they will also not stray too far from the pack....