Baby Name Generator
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Names that were popular during the medieval age are still popular today. Names from this period that you probably recognize include William, Hugh and Thomas for men and Alice, Emma and Beatrice for...
The longest name in the world, according to the Guinness World Records, belongs to a man with 26 first names, one for each letter of the alphabet. His last name is 597 characters long. The shortened...
German names are heavily tied to family lines and inheritance. They’re put through strict quality control, and can range from somewhat traditional names like Friedrich to universal names like...
In this guide, you will learn some of the history behind Scottish names and how they were created. You will also find a list of Scottish male and female names, along with their origin, meaning, and...
You have just gotten your furry little hamster friend, and now you have to find the perfect name. You are probably squeaking with excitement! Falling in love with this adorable critter was easy, but...
The most common name in the world is Wang, meaning king, and is the last name of an estimated 92.8 million people on China's mainland. The most common first name is Maria, a Latin name that...