Boy or male names in Germany differ from the most popular names in the US, but there are some similarities. German boy names are becoming more and more common which might correlate with the fact that people are becoming more and more aware of their cultural background. However, the reason behind the popularity of German boy names could simply be that the names are so cool.
German boy names that are commonly given to newborns today in Germany are Noah, Leon and Paul. Old German names for boys that where popular during the World War One was Anton, Josef, Fritz, Wilhelm, Johann, Konrad, Wilhelm and Heinrich.
Read on to find a list of the most popular German baby boy names and a complete list of more than 300 German boy names in alphabetical order.

Most Popular German Baby Boy Names
Here are a list of the 10 most popular boy names among babies during 2020 (2019).
- Noah (1)
- Leon (4)
- Paul (3)
- Mat(h)eo/Matt(h)eo (13)
- Ben (2)
- Elias (8)
- Finn (10)
- Felix (7)
- Henry/Henri (6)
- Louis/Luis (5)
Read More: German Names
The list of the most popular German boy names differs, depending of the origin of the parents.
East Germany | West Germany |
Matheo | Noah |
Emil | Leon |
Oskar | Paul |
Finn | Elias |
Ben | Ben |
Henry | 6. Matheo |
Karl | Felix |
Theo | Louis |
Noah | Finn |
Henry |
324 German Boy Names
Here are some common and uncommon German boy names. The list is presented in alphabetic order.
Aaron |
Abelard |
Adam |
Adie |
Adler |
Adolph |
Adrian |
Alaric |
Albert |
Albrecht |
Alexander |
Alger |
Ali |
Ancel |
Anton |
Arland |
Armand |
Arnold |
Artur |
Avicus |
Baldwin |
Baltasar |
Baron |
Bastian |
Ben |
Benedikt |
Benjamin |
Bennet |
Bergen |
Bernard |
Bernstein |
Bertram |
Bingham |
Bogart |
Brandeis |
Bronson |
Bruno |
Bud |
Burke |
Burle |
Carl |
Carlo |
Carsten |
Clay |
Clovis |
Colbert |
Colin |
Constantin |
Dagobert |
Dalbert |
Dale |
Damian |
Daniel |
David |
Derek |
Dewitt |
Dian |
Dieter |
Dietrich |
Dolf |
Dominic |
Drake |
Dutch |
Eberhard |
Egmont |
Elbert |
Elias |
Emery |
Emil |
Emilio |
Emir |
Erik |
Ethelred |
Everett |
Fabian |
Falk |
Felix |
Ferdinand |
Fiete |
Finn |
Florian |
Franz |
Frederick |
Frederik |
Fremont |
Fritz |
Gabriel |
Gary |
Geert |
Geoffrey |
Gerlac |
Gilbert |
Godfrey |
Hagan |
Hahn |
Hammet |
Hannes |
Harbin |
Harlan |
Harry |
Heinrich |
Heller |
Henry |
Herbert |
Herman |
Hernan |
Hershel |
Hildebrand |
Hobart |
Horst |
Hubert |
Hugh |
Humbert |
Huni |
Hutch |
Ing |
Ingram |
Ivo |
Jakob |
Jamie |
Jan |
Jannik |
Jannis |
Jason |
Jayden |
Jerry |
Joel |
Johann |
Johannes |
John |
Jona |
Jonas |
Jonathan |
Joshua |
Julian |
Julius |
Justus |
Kagan |
Kant |
Karcher |
Karl |
Kasch |
Kass |
Kearn |
Kellen |
Kepler |
Kiefer |
Kilian |
Klaus |
Klein |
Konrad |
Kurt |
Lance |
Lando |
Lang |
Lasse |
Lear |
Len |
Lennard |
Lennox |
Lenny |
Leo |
Leon |
Leonard |
Levi |
Levin |
Liam |
Lian |
Lias |
Lindberg |
Linus |
Lio |
Loring |
Louis |
Luca |
Ludwig |
Luis |
Lukas |
Luke/Luc |
Luther |
Lyulf |
Malik |
Mallory |
Malte |
Mandel |
Manfred |
Marlon |
Mathias |
Mats |
Matteo |
Matti |
Mattis |
Max |
Maxim |
Maximilian |
Meyer |
Michael |
Mika |
Milan |
Miles |
Milo |
Miran |
Mohammed |
Moritz |
Nevin |
Nick |
Nico |
Niklas |
Nils/Niels |
Noah |
Noel |
Norbert |
Oberon |
Obert |
Odette |
Odis |
Ole |
Orlan |
Ormand |
Ormanda |
Osborn |
Oskar |
Osten |
Otis |
Otto |
Paul |
Paulos |
Penrod |
Pepe |
Phil |
Philipp |
Rafael |
Rainart |
Raphael |
Redmond |
Reinhart |
Reinhold |
Rikard |
Ring |
Ritter |
Robin |
Roderick |
Roger |
Roland |
Rolf |
Rollins |
Ross |
Roswald |
Roth |
Rudeger |
Rudolph |
Rune |
Samuel |
Schaffer |
Schmidt |
Schneider |
Sebastian |
Simon |
Sinbad |
Stark |
Stefan |
Stein |
Strom |
Tab |
Theo |
Theobold |
Theodor |
Thilo |
Till |
Tim |
Timo |
Tobias |
Tom |
Toni |
Tyler |
Tyson |
Uben |
Uberto |
Ubrig |
Ubrigens |
Uhr |
Ulas |
Ulbrecht |
Ulbrich |
Ulexite |
Ulgar |
Ulman |
Ulriah |
Ulrich |
Unser |
Uwe |
Vaduz |
Valdermar |
Valentin |
Varick |
Varner |
Verile |
Verner |
Vid |
Vilem |
Vilmos |
Vincent |
Volker |
Waggoner |
Wagner |
Walbert |
Waldemar |
Waldron |
Walmond |
Walten |
Walter |
Waltraut |
Warner |
Warren |
Wes |
Wilbert |
Willis |
Wilmer |
Wilson |
Winfield |
Yale |
Yohann |
Zamael |
Zelig |
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