There is something special about long names for girls, but there can be a downside to long names too. For example with a longer name people often try to come up with a nickname, instead of using the full name.
Long names for girls are not very common in the United States. Some of the most popular names that are a considered to be long are Brittany and Stephanie. When it comes to long baby names for girls Charlotte and Isabella are among the most common long baby names.
In this article you will find a number of different lists containing long names for girls divided into the following categories: Long Names for Baby Girl, Unique Long Names for Girls, Cute Long Names for Girls and finally we have published a complete list of 324 Long Names for Girls.

Long Girl Names for Baby
There are a few reasons why people may choose to give their newborn baby girl a long name:
- Family tradition: In some cultures, it is tradition to give newborns a long name to honor their ancestors and family heritage. This may include multiple given names, as well as familial surnames.
- Personal preference: Some parents simply prefer long names and feel that they are more unique or sophisticated. They may choose a name that they feel has a special meaning or significance, and want to fully express that through a longer name.
- Creativity: Giving a child a long name can be a way for parents to express their creativity and individuality. Some parents may see it as an opportunity to come up with a unique and memorable name for their child.
Overall, the decision to give a newborn baby girl a long name is a personal one, and can be influenced by a variety of factors including cultural traditions, personal preference, and a desire to be creative.
Here is a list of 128 long names for baby girls:
Addilynn | Hadassah |
Adelaide | Hadleigh |
Adrianna | Isabella |
Alejandra | Isabelle |
Alessandra | Itzayana |
Alexandra | Izabella |
Alexandria | Jacqueline |
Anastasia | Jennifer |
Angelica | Josephine |
Angelina | Julianna |
Angelique | Juliette |
Annabella | Kataleya |
Annabelle | Katalina |
Annalise | Katherine |
Antonella | Kathleen |
Arabella | Kaydence |
Aubriella | Kayleigh |
Aubrielle | Khaleesi |
Beatrice | Kimberly |
Braelynn | Leighton |
Brittany | Lilianna |
Brooklyn | Lilliana |
Brooklynn | Mackenzie |
Brynleigh | Maddison |
Calliope | Madeleine |
Carolina | Madeline |
Caroline | Madelynn |
Cassandra | Madilynn |
Cataleya | Magdalena |
Catalina | Magnolia |
Catherine | Makenzie |
Chandler | Malaysia |
Charleigh | Marceline |
Charlotte | Margaret |
Cheyenne | Marianna |
Christina | Marleigh |
Clarissa | Mazikeen |
Clementine | Mckenzie |
Coraline | Mckinley |
Daniella | Meredith |
Danielle | Michaela |
Eleanora | Michelle |
Elizabeth | Oakleigh |
Ellianna | Paisleigh |
Emberlynn | Penelope |
Emmeline | Persephone |
Esmeralda | Princess |
Estrella | Priscilla |
Evangeline | Remington |
Everleigh | Rosemary |
Felicity | Samantha |
Fernanda | Savannah |
Florence | Scarlett |
Francesca | Scarlette |
Gabriela | Serenity |
Gabriella | Stephanie |
Gabrielle | Theodora |
Genevieve | Treasure |
Giavanna | Valentina |
Giovanna | Veronica |
Giuliana | Victoria |
Gracelyn | Virginia |
Gracelynn | Vivienne |
Guinevere | |
Gwendolyn |
Try this: Long Girl Name Generator
Popular Long Girl Names
Here is a list of 50 popular long names for girls.
Alexandra |
Alexandria |
Allison |
Angelica |
Ashleigh |
Brianna |
Brittany |
Brittney |
Caitlin |
Caroline |
Cassandra |
Catherine |
Chelsea |
Christina |
Christine |
Courtney |
Cristina |
Crystal |
Danielle |
Dominique |
Elizabeth |
Gabriela |
Gabrielle |
Heather |
Jacqueline |
Jasmine |
Jennifer |
Jessica |
Katherine |
Kathleen |
Kathryn |
Kimberly |
Kristen |
Kristina |
Lindsey |
Margaret |
Melissa |
Mercedes |
Meredith |
Michelle |
Patricia |
Priscilla |
Rebecca |
Samantha |
Stephanie |
Tiffany |
Vanessa |
Veronica |
Victoria |
Whitney |
Read more: 371 Short Names for Girls
Unique Long Girl Names
Here is a list of 62 unique long names for girls.
Addilynn |
Adrienne |
Albertha |
Albertine |
Angelique |
Annabella |
Annabelle |
Annamarie |
Araminta |
Aubrielle |
Brittany |
Brynleigh |
Carmelita |
Chandler |
Charlotta |
Charolette |
Clarissa |
Clarissa |
Concepcion |
Cordelia |
Cordella |
Cristina |
Danielle |
Delphine |
Eleanora |
Emberlynn |
Emmeline |
Ernestina |
Francisca |
Gearldine |
Georgina |
Giavanna |
Guadalupe |
Guinevere |
Gwendolyn |
Hadleigh |
Itzayana |
Jannette |
Jeanetta |
Johannah |
Joycelyn |
Juliette |
Kathleen |
Lilianna |
Magdalena |
Magdalena |
Manervia |
Margarett |
Margarett |
Margaretta |
Margarita |
Marianna |
Mazikeen |
Nicolette |
Paisleigh |
Parthenia |
Penelope |
Princess |
Roseanna |
Scarlette |
Tennessee |
Wilhelmine |
Having a hard time finding a name you like? Try our Long Name Generator
324 Long Names for Girls
Here you will find long names for girls. All the names in the list have more than 8 letters. The list is in alphabetical order.
Addilynn |
Adelaide |
Adrianna |
Adrianne |
Adrienne |
Albertina |
Albertine |
Alejandra |
Alessandra |
Alexander |
Alexandra |
Alexandrea |
Alexandria |
Allison |
Anastasia |
Angelica |
Angelina |
Angeline |
Angelique |
Anjelica |
Annabella |
Annabelle |
Annalise |
Annmarie |
Antoinette |
Antonella |
Arabella |
Araminta |
Ashleigh |
Aubriella |
Aubrielle |
Augustine |
Beatrice |
Bernadette |
Braelynn |
Brianna |
Bridgett |
Bridgette |
Brittaney |
Brittani |
Brittanie |
Brittany |
Brittnee |
Brittney |
Brittnie |
Brooklyn |
Brooklynn |
Brynleigh |
Caitlin |
Calliope |
Carlotta |
Carolina |
Caroline |
Casandra |
Cassandra |
Cassondra |
Cataleya |
Catalina |
Catharine |
Catherine |
Cathrine |
Celestia |
Celestine |
Chandler |
Chanelle |
Chantelle |
Charleigh |
Charlene |
Charlotta |
Charlotte |
Charmaine |
Chastity |
Chelsea |
Cheyenne |
Christen |
Christena |
Christian |
Christiana |
Christie |
Christin |
Christina |
Christine |
Christopher |
Chrystal |
Clarence |
Clarinda |
Clarissa |
Claudine |
Clementine |
Clifford |
Concepcion |
Constance |
Coraline |
Cordelia |
Cordella |
Cornelia |
Courtney |
Cristina |
Crystal |
Daniella |
Danielle |
Danyelle |
Delphine |
Demetria |
Destinee |
Dominique |
Dominque |
Domonique |
Dorothea |
Drucilla |
Drusilla |
Eleanora |
Eleanore |
Elisabeth |
Elizabeth |
Elizebeth |
Ellianna |
Emberlynn |
Emmaline |
Emmeline |
Ernestine |
Esmeralda |
Estrella |
Euphemia |
Evangeline |
Everleigh |
Felicity |
Fernanda |
Florance |
Florence |
Frances |
Francesca |
Gabriela |
Gabriella |
Gabrielle |
Genevieve |
Georgiana |
Georgianna |
Georgina |
Geraldine |
Gertrude |
Giavanna |
Giovanna |
Giuliana |
Gracelyn |
Gracelynn |
Graciela |
Gretchen |
Griselda |
Guadalupe |
Guinevere |
Gwendolyn |
Hadassah |
Hadleigh |
Harriett |
Harriette |
Heather |
Henrietta |
Hortense |
Isabella |
Isabelle |
Itzayana |
Izabella |
Jacqueline |
Jacquelyn |
Jaqueline |
Jasmine |
Jeanette |
Jeannette |
Jennette |
Jennifer |
Jessenia |
Jessica |
Johannah |
Josephine |
Josiephine |
Julianna |
Julianne |
Juliette |
Kaitlyn |
Kaitlynn |
Kasandra |
Kassandra |
Kataleya |
Katalina |
Katelyn |
Katelynn |
Katharine |
Katherine |
Katheryn |
Kathleen |
Kathrine |
Kathryn |
Kathryne |
Kaydence |
Kayleigh |
Khaleesi |
Kiersten |
Kimberlee |
Kimberley |
Kimberly |
Kourtney |
Kristen |
Kristian |
Kristin |
Kristina |
Kristine |
Krystina |
Lakeisha |
Lakeshia |
Lashonda |
Lauretta |
Leighton |
Lilianna |
Lillian |
Lilliana |
Lindsay |
Lindsey |
Lissette |
Lorraine |
Louvenia |
Lucretia |
Mackenzie |
Maddison |
Madeleine |
Madeline |
Madelynn |
Madilynn |
Magdalen |
Magdalena |
Magdalene |
Magnolia |
Makenzie |
Malaysia |
Manervia |
Marceline |
Marcella |
Margaret |
Margarett |
Margaretta |
Margarette |
Margarita |
Margeret |
Marguerite |
Marianna |
Marianne |
Maricela |
Marietta |
Marisela |
Marissa |
Marjorie |
Marleigh |
Marquita |
Mathilda |
Mathilde |
Maybelle |
Mazikeen |
Mckenzie |
Mckinley |
Melanie |
Melissa |
Mercedes |
Meredith |
Michaela |
Michelle |
Millicent |
Minervia |
Missouri |
Natalie |
Nathalie |
Nicolette |
Oakleigh |
Paisleigh |
Parthenia |
Patience |
Patricia |
Penelope |
Permelia |
Persephone |
Philomena |
Phylicia |
Precious |
Princess |
Priscilla |
Prudence |
Rachelle |
Rebecca |
Remington |
Rhiannon |
Richelle |
Rochelle |
Roseanna |
Rosemary |
Samantha |
Savannah |
Scarlett |
Scarlette |
Serenity |
Shaniqua |
Shannon |
Shantell |
Sophronia |
Stefanie |
Stephanie |
Stephany |
Tennessee |
Theodora |
Theodosia |
Tiffanie |
Tiffany |
Treasure |
Valencia |
Valentina |
Vanessa |
Veronica |
Victoria |
Virginia |
Vivienne |
Whitney |
Wilhelmina |
Wilhelmine |
Winifred |
Winnifred |
Yessenia |
Read more: Long Boy Names
While there are certainly some benefits to giving a girl a long name, there are also potential negative effects to consider. Here are a few:
- Difficulty pronouncing and spelling: Long names can be more difficult for others to pronounce and spell, which can lead to frustration and confusion. This can be especially challenging for young children who are learning to read and write.
- Nicknaming: Long names are often shortened or turned into nicknames by friends and family, which can be a source of embarrassment for the child. This can be especially difficult if the child does not like the nickname that they are given.
- Attention: Children with long names may find themselves drawing more attention than they would like, especially if their name is unusual or unique. This can be overwhelming for some children and may lead to feelings of self-consciousness.
- Lengthy signatures: Long names can also be inconvenient when it comes to signing documents or filling out forms. A lengthy signature can take up more space and may be more prone to errors.
Overall, while giving a newborn baby girl a long name can be a way to honor family traditions or express creativity, it is important to also consider the potential negative effects and how they may impact the child as they grow and develop.