England has an interesting history when it comes to names. Up until the 12th century the first name was the only source of individual identification. Middle names and surnames did not exist before that time.
Names that were popular during the medieval age are still popular today. Names from this period that you probably recognize include William, Hugh and Thomas for men and Alice, Emma and Beatrice for women. Medieval names, like most names, experience an increase or decrease in popularity according to current trends.
In this article you will find top lists of the most popular names today that date back to the Middle Ages. We have also published lists with medieval names for boys and girls respectively.

The History of Medieval Names
The Middle Ages lasted from the end of the 5th century through to the start of the Early Modern period in 1485.
Some names that were very common in the Middle Ages were Edith, Edward and Edmund. Names that are still in use today.
Names given to children in the early medieval period were dependent on the family’s social status. The Norman nobility bore Germanic names such as Geoffrey, Henry, Ralph, Richard, Roger, Odo, Walter, William, Alan and Brian. During the later Middle Ages, the Normans suggested that female names should be formed based on male names. Patrick, for example, became Patricia.
Some names became increasingly dominant between the years 1150 and 1300. At the end of the 14th century, therefore, a large part of the male population had one of five names: Henry, John, Richard, Robert and William. The same thing happened with female names. Alice, Anne, Elizabeth, Jane and Rose became dominant.
As the same first names were used more and more, it became increasingly difficult to distinguish people by their first name. The use of family names, and names that were inherited, therefore became increasingly common.
During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the biblical names of the New Testament became fashionable. Here are some examples of names that became more common during this period:
- Andrew
- John
- Luke
- Mark
- Matthew
- Peter
- Agnes
- Anne
- Catherine
- Elizabeth
- Jane
- Mary
Most Popular Medieval Names
Medieval names are still used today. Here is a list of the most common names from this period for males and females.
Top Ten Medieval Male Names
1. William
2. John
3. Richard
4. Robert
5. Henry
6. Ralph
7. Thomas
8. Walter
9. Roger
10. Hugh
Top Ten Medieval Female Names
1. Alice
2. Matilda
3. Agnes
4. Margaret
5. Joan
6. Isabella
7. Emma
8. Beatrice
9. Mabel
10. Cecilia
Source: https://www.medievalists.net/2011/04/william-agnes-among-the-most-common-names-in-medieval-england/
Medieval Girl Names
Researching the medieval time period, we have identified more than 300 medieval names for girls. Which one is your favorite medieval girl name?
Medieval girl names:
Aalis | Ida |
Abelena | Idalia |
Abellana | Idla |
Ada | Idonea |
Adelina | Idony |
Aelfgifu | Ingrede |
Aelflaed | Ingrith |
Aethelburh | Isabeau |
Aetheldaeg | Isabel |
Aetheldreda | Isolda |
Aethelfled | Ivy |
Aethelfrith | Jetta |
Aethelgifu | Joanna |
Aethelgyth | Jocosa |
Aethelswith | Johanne |
Aethelu | Jolecia |
Aethylswith | Jolenta |
Afreda | Juliana |
Agnes | Kandi |
Ailith | Katherine |
Alba | Kauanoe |
Albreda | Keaton |
Aldith | Kelby |
Alditha | Kenley |
Aldreda | Kinsey |
Aldusa | Kip |
Aldyth | Kyneburg |
Alfreda | Laila |
Alice | Langgifu |
Alina | Laria |
Alvar | Lark |
Alvina | Laura |
Amabel | Lavinia |
Amabilia | Lee |
Amanda | Letha |
Amée | Leticia |
Amice | Leuedai |
Amice | Liecia |
Amice | Liliana |
Amiria | Lilli |
Amity | Lilly |
Anabel | Lily |
Anice | Linden |
Annis | Lindsey |
Annora | Linota |
Aquila | Linsey |
Arethusa | Long |
Argenta | Lorelle |
Arietta | Lorica |
Ascilia | Lovedaia |
Ashton | Lovedaya |
Avelina | Lovedie |
Avellana | Luella |
Avery | Lufu |
Avice | Lulie |
Avoca | Lyudmila |
Balthilda | Madison |
Basilea | Magge |
Batilda | Malle |
Beatrice | Malota |
Beatrice | Marden |
Bega | Margaret |
Bela | Margery |
Berta | Marigold |
Beverly | Marigold |
Bliss | Marlow |
Blossom | Marsilia |
Bogdana | Mary |
Bozhena | Matilda |
Braeden | Matty |
Breena | Maud |
Brighton | Maurelle |
British | Maven |
Brucie | Mazelina |
Cade | Meggy |
Carling | Meliora |
Cateline | Mercia |
Cecilia | Merewald |
Cedrica | Merry |
Celestina | Mildburg |
Celestria | Mildgyth |
Ceola | Mildred |
Channel | Militsa |
Chauncey | Millicent |
Christiana | Miloslava |
Cinnamon | Mirabel |
Clarice | Misty |
Clement | Molle |
Codie | Muriel |
Constance | Myla |
Corliss | Naida |
Cwenburg | Nerida |
Cwenburh | Nerida |
Cwenhild | Nesta |
Cyneburg | Nicola |
Cyneburh | Nissa |
Dae | Nixie |
Daisy | Norma |
Damiana | Nyx |
Daralis | Odile |
Dawn | Oletha |
Delight | Orla |
Dena | Osgifu |
Denise | Oswalda |
Deorwynn | Pacifica |
Desislava | Payton |
Devon | Peace |
Diana | Petra |
Doanne | Petronilla |
Donella | Philippa |
Dragoslava | Posy |
Duette | Primeveire |
Dulcina | Princess |
Eadburg | Questa |
Eadburga | Radella |
Eadburgh | Radoslava |
Eadburh | Raisa |
Eadgifu | Raisie |
Eadu | Randall |
Eadwynn | Raven |
Eald | Regina |
Easter | Regina |
Ebba | Rhiannon |
Eda | Rhoslyn |
Eda | Rhoswen |
Edeva | Rhyannon |
Edith | Richenda |
Edith | Richolda |
Edmunda | Rikki |
Edwena | Roesia |
Edwina | Rohesia |
Egberta | Rosa |
Eglantine | Rosalba |
Eleanor | Rosalie |
Elena | Rosetta |
Elfreda | Rosina |
Elfredda | Rossa |
Elfrida | Roxanne |
Elfrieda | Royale |
Elga | Royse |
Elgifu | Rusalka |
Elizabeth | Sabelina |
Ella | Sabina |
Ellette | Sable |
Elmina | Saelufu |
Elvina | Sapphire |
Emma | Sarah |
Eolande | Savia |
Eostre | Sebille |
Erline | Sense |
Ermengard | Shaylee |
Estrilda | Shea |
Ethedred | Shelby |
Ethelberga | Sigourney |
Ethelburg | Sigrid |
Ethelburga | Sinnie |
Ethelburh | Siusan |
Etheldreda | Slavitsa |
Ethelfleda | Stanburg |
Ethelfrith | Stanburh |
Ethelgifu | Stanislava |
Ethelgyth | Star |
Ethelinda | Storm |
Euphemia | Sungyevo |
Eva | Sunngifu |
Evelyn | Sunnifa |
Everild | Sunny |
Everilda | Susane |
Faerydae | Susanna |
Farah | Susanna |
Fay | Suzanne |
Faye | Suzette |
Fayette | Swete |
Faylinn | Sybil |
Fayre | Tana |
Felicia | Tandy |
Fina | Tania |
Fira | Tanya |
Fleta | Tatiana |
Forestyne | Taylor |
Garnet | Tenanye |
Gelsey | Theode |
Genevieve | Thora |
Geretrudis | Tianna |
Gervaise | Timothea |
Gidget | Titania |
Gisela | Tomislava |
Gisella | Tuesday |
Githa | Unity |
Goda | Utta |
Gode | Velma |
Godelief | Viola |
Godeliff | Vulpine |
Godeliva | Wasila |
Godelva | Wesley |
Godgifu | Whitney |
Godgyth | Will |
Goditha | Willow |
Golda | Windy |
Golda | Winifred |
Golde | Wren |
Goldevia | Wymarc |
Goldwine | Wynflaeth |
Gratiana | Wynnfrith |
Grecia | Xantho |
Gregoria | Zanna |
Guardia | Zenith |
Guinevere | Zuzana |
Gullveig | |
Gundrea | |
Gundred | |
Gunilda | |
Gunnhild | |
Gunnora | |
Gwenllian | |
Gytha | |
Hadley | |
Harley | |
Haunild | |
Hawisa | |
Hawkins | |
Hazel | |
Helen | |
Helewis | |
Helewise | |
Helewise | |
Héloise | |
Hereswith | |
Hilaria | |
Hilda | |
Hildred | |
Hodierna | |
Hollis | |
Honora | |
Hopkins | |
Hulda |
Medieval Boy Names
Researching the medieval time period, we have identified more than 600 medieval names for boys. Which one is your favorite medieval boy name?
Medieval boy names:
Achard | Hadden |
Ackerley | Haelan |
Adalbert | Hammond |
Adam | Hamo |
Adney | Hamon |
Aeduuard | Hamond |
Aeduuin | Hann |
Aelfraed | Harding |
Ailwin | Hartley |
Alan | Hartmut |
Aland | Haylan |
Alard | Hazlitt |
Alaric | Hearst |
Alban | Heathcliff |
Alderney | Heathcote |
Aldis | Helyas |
Aldo | Henry |
Aldred | Herlewin |
Aldrich | Hervey |
Aldwin | Hildebald |
Aleksandru | Holden |
Alexander | Hopkin |
Algernon | Houston |
Alistair | Howard |
Allard | Hugh |
Allister | Hunter |
Alloys | Hyde |
Alston | Irving |
Alured | Irwin |
Amalric | Ivar |
Amaury | Ivo |
Ambrose | Jackin |
Amherst | Jackson |
Anselm | Jagger |
Archer | James |
Archibald | Jamie |
Arledge | Jamison |
Arley | Jan |
Arlotto | Jarrett |
Arnald | Jaxon |
Arnette | Jayden |
Arthur | Jeffrey |
Arundel | Jerald |
Asa | Jeremy |
Ascot | Jerold |
Ashton | Jerrard |
Atherton | Jocelin |
Atkins | John |
Atwater | Johnson |
Aubrey | Jordan |
Auden | Judson |
Audrey | Jurian |
Audric | Kazimir |
August | Keaton |
Averey | Kelton |
Aylmer | Kelvin |
Aylwin | Kendall |
Badrick | Kipling |
Baldric | Kirby |
Baldwin | Kolby |
Balthasar | Lander |
Bancroft | Landon |
Barden | Lanford |
Barlow | Langston |
Barnabas | Larkin |
Barney | Lawrence |
Barric | Layne |
Barrington | Leland |
Barse | Leofwin |
Bartholomew | Leopold |
Bartley | London |
Bartram | Lorencio |
Bassett | Lucian |
Baul | Luke |
Bavol | Lyman |
Baxter | Lyndon |
Bayard | Mack |
Beaman | Macon |
Beasley | Maddox |
Beaver | Madison |
Benedict | Malin |
Bennet | Manfield |
Bentley | Manley |
Berkeley | Manning |
Bernard | Marden |
Bero | Martin |
Bertram | Masci |
Berwick | Matthew |
Beval | Maurice |
Bickford | Maven |
Birkitt | Mavis |
Birley | Maxim |
Birney | Maxwell |
Birtle | Meginhard |
Blacwin | Meldon |
Blakely | Mendel |
Blaxton | Michael |
Blazh | Milo |
Blythe | Mirche |
Bolton | Mitchell |
Booker | Moreland |
Bosley | Morris |
Boswell | Neville |
Bowman | Nicholas |
Bradburn | Nicol |
Braden | Nigel |
Bradford | Nikola |
Bradshaw | Nilson |
Bradyn | Norman |
Brainard | Oakes |
Bramwell | Oakley |
Brandon | Ode |
Brantley | Odo |
Branton | Oliva |
Brawley | Osbert |
Braxton | Otker |
Brayden | Otto |
Brayton | Paige |
Brenner | Palmer |
Brentley | Parker |
Bridgely | Payton |
Brigham | Pearson |
Brinley | Pepin |
Brishen | Peregrine |
Brockton | Peter |
Bronson | Peyton |
Buckminster | Philip |
Burbank | Pierson |
Burchard | Preston |
Burdan | Quentin |
Burleigh | Radley |
Burne | Radomir |
Byram | Ralf/Ralph |
Cadby | Ramsey |
Caldwell | Randall |
Carleton | Randel |
Carlisle | Ranulf |
Carloman | Raymond |
Carlyle | Rhett |
Carnell | Richard |
Carsen | Ricker |
Cartland | River |
Cartwright | Robert |
Cassian | Robert |
Castellan | Robinson |
Cederic | Robyn |
Chancellor | Rodney |
Chandler | Roger |
Channing | Roland |
Chanse | Roldan |
Chapman | Royston |
Charlton | Rudd |
Chaucey | Rudolf |
Cheston | Rudyard |
Chilton | Rylan |
Clayborne | Saer |
Clayton | Samer |
Cleavon | Savaric |
Clifford | Sawyer |
Clifton | Sebastian |
Clinton | Sedgewick |
Colin | Severin |
Colton | Shelton |
Constantine | Sherman |
Courtney | Sherrod |
Cranley | Silas |
Crispin | Silvester |
Cuthbert | Simon |
Cyprian | Sinjin |
Dalton | Somerville |
Darby | Southwell |
Darren | Spalding |
Darthmouth | Spencer |
Darwyn | Stephan |
David | Sterling |
Davidson | Stewart |
Dawson | Strong |
Dayton | Stuart |
Delbert | Tancred |
Denver | Tanner |
Denzel | Tassilo |
Devon | Terric |
Dragoslav | Terry/Thierry |
Drake | Theobald |
Drogo | Thomas |
Dudley | Thurstan |
Dunstan | Tielo |
Durriken | Tilton |
Durwin | Tomislav |
Dwennon | Trowbridge |
Easton | Twyford |
Edgar | Udolf |
Edmund | Ulmer |
Edmundus | Umfrey |
Edwin | Unwin |
Egbert | Upton |
Eldon | Upwood |
Elias | Usher |
Elric | Walden |
Elton | Waleran |
Engeram | Wallace |
Engilbert | Walter |
Ermo | Waltgaud |
Ernald | Warden |
Erwan | Warin |
Eustace | Warrick |
Everard | Wayland |
Fabian | Waylon |
Ferdinand | Wayne |
Filmore | Werinbert |
Florian | Wesley |
Fordwin | Weston |
Forwin | Whitcombe |
Franklin | Whitfield |
Frost | Willard |
Fulk | William |
Galore | Wimarc |
Galorian | Winston |
Gamel | Winthrop |
Garman | Witter |
Garrett | Wolf |
Garrick | Wolfe |
Garridan | Woodruff |
Garroway | Woolsey |
Gavin | Wylie |
Geoffrey | Wymer |
Georgei | Yates |
Gerard | Ymbert |
Gerold | |
Gervase | |
Gilbert | |
Giles | |
Gladwin | |
Godfrey | |
Godric | |
Godwin | |
Golding | |
Gomes | |
Gordon | |
Gosse | |
Grigorii | |
Grimald | |
Guarin | |
Guiscard | |
Guy |
Medieval names have lasted for centuries, making them special for their timeless appeal. We hope you found a name you like. If you need some further help or ideas here are some other name pages you could try: Old Lady Names / Old Norse Names