22 Names to Call Your Girlfriend

Whether you are in a new dating relationship or have been dating for several years, having nicknames for your significant other can spruce up any relationship. What are some names to call your girlfriend? 

There are many different names to call your girlfriend, including darling, doll, sweetheart, or love. Some more casual and fun nicknames include peach, boo, princess, or sugar. You can also call her sexy, angel, or treasure in bed to make her feel attractive and loved.

When thinking of names to call your girlfriend, you should make sure to choose one that best fits her personality and the type of relationship you have with her. This article will cover 22 different names to call your girlfriend and offer a few different names for specific situations. Let’s dive into it! 

Names to Call Your Girlfriend
Names to Call Your Girlfriend

What to Consider Before Choosing a Nickname

Before we get into the fun stuff, there are a few things to go over first. You should consider some things before picking a nickname for your special girl to make sure you choose the best one.

Where Are You in Your Relationship?

The first thing to look at is where you are in your relationship. To pick the perfect nickname (or at least a suitable one), you should both be on the same page. Have you both said you love each other? Has only one person said it? 

Even if you are not at this point, it doesn’t mean you can’t have nicknames for each other. It simply means that you will have to take that into perspective to pick a suitable name that won’t be uncomfortable for anyone.

How Long Have You Been Dating?

Another thing to consider is the amount of time you have been dating. Some nicknames are more serious than others, and it might make your short-term girlfriend uncomfortable if you jump the gun and start calling her “love” or “baby,” for example. 

Nonetheless, some relationships grow more quickly than others. How long you have been dating is only something to consider; it should not be the thing that determines what nicknames you can or cannot use. You will know your relationship the best, so do not take all of these points too seriously. 

Does Your Partner Want to Use Nicknames?

One last thing to consider is if your partner wants to use nicknames. Some people love nicknames, while others absolutely despise them. If you have been with your partner for a while, you will probably know the answer to this question. However, if you are in a new relationship, this might be a question you will want to ask.

If you are new to dating or want some advice on strengthening your relationship, check out the award-winning book Relationship Goals: How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex.  

Unique Names for Your Girlfriend

There are lots of unique names you can call your girlfriend, depending on the type of relationship you have. Let’s take a look at some of the best unique names to call your girlfriend and see if any stand out! 


If your girlfriend is especially smart, talented, or witty, and that is something you love about her, then this might be a good nickname. People call others “Ace” when they are an expert at something. This nickname is both unique and will give your girlfriend a confidence boost every time you use it. 


If you have Korean heritage, then this will be a wonderfully unique nickname to use. The Korean word for baby is 아가, which is often pronounced informally as ae-gi, (or eggy, to make it simpler) between lovers. This name will also be a very cute nickname if you are too shy to call your girlfriend “baby.” 


Even though the word itself is not unique, it is not used often as a loving nickname between partners in today’s age (especially between young people). If you want to bring a bit of classic romance to your relationship, then “darling” will be the perfect nickname to call your girlfriend. 


“Doll” is another familiar yet rarely used nickname between partners. The name is a very sweet and innocent name to call your girlfriend. This name is another classic and vintage sounding name that will add romance to your interactions. 

Be careful not to transition from “doll” to “doll face,” though. While some girls may love to be called “doll face” since it is a compliment, others may find it a bit harsh or inauthentic. 


“Lovebird” is an elegant and unique name to use for your girlfriend. The nickname symbolizes a sweet, gentle girl who has captured your heart. If you are looking for something that has just the right amount of cheesiness to it, “lovebird” will be a good choice. 

Little Dove

Similar to the last nickname, this one suits gentle, quiet girls. The name will sound sweet coming from you as the partner and will bring the right amount of romance to the relationship. Your girlfriend will appreciate the name “little dove” if she prides herself on being classy and gentle.

My Daisy

This nickname is a pretty and special name for a girl who brightens up your day. The name describes someone positive, energetic, and loving. It is a perfect nickname for your girlfriend if she is the one to always lighten up your mood and be there for you when you are down. 

Things to Call Your Girlfriend in Bed

Before calling your girlfriend anything in bed, make sure to give it a bit of thought. Your partner may feel more vulnerable in that situation, so you should think of names that will ensure your love for her and boost her confidence. 


A very classic yet sweet name to call your girlfriend is “angel.” This nickname will make sure your partner feels beautiful and special to you. If you want her to feel like the only girl in the world, call her “angel.” 


One of the most popular nicknames for partners to call each other is “baby.” It represents a solid relationship with each other. When you call your girlfriend baby, it shows that you are comfortable with her, making her feel special. This nickname will suit a wide variety of relationships and is very versatile when it comes to your relationship’s seriousness. 


If you want to give your girl a confidence boost, make sure to call her “sexy.” The nickname works best when you don’t overuse it. Use this nickname as a genuine compliment to your girlfriend to leave her feeling loved, attractive, and comfortable. 


This one is more of a unique nickname that partners don’t use often. Use this name to make your girlfriend feel your love towards her. The name implies that she is a one of a kind treasure and that your love for her is endless. This name is great if you are in a more serious relationship. It will show that you are aware of how lucky you are to be with your girlfriend. 

One & Only

If you want to spruce up the romance and show your devotion to your girlfriend, make sure to call her your “one and only.” This name will leave a smile on her face and help her to feel loved and unique. 

Make sure to mean this one when you say it because something girls are great at is sensing if you are genuine. If you are not there yet in your relationship, then don’t take this nickname lightly. Calling her your “one and only” will symbolize your intentions and devotion towards her. 

Cute Names to Call Your Girlfriend

Now that we have gone over a few different categories of nicknames, let’s look at a few cute names to call your girlfriend. 


Even though this one may be a bit too cheesy for some people, many couples love it. “Pumpkin” is an adorable name to call your girlfriend. It suits a relationship filled with affection, and it will be sure to bring a smile to your partner’s face. 


This particular nickname is a newer one that has recently come into use. If you are in a newer relationship, “boo” may be the perfect nickname for you to use. It is a bit more casual than others and does not always convey a serious relationship (although it still is used in serious relationships). Using “boo” in a relationship means that you are quite comfortable with your partner, and your girlfriend will melt when you call her that. 


This nickname will never get old. “Honey” is a classic and authentically romantic name to use for your significant other. If you have some other nicknames for her, this will be a good one to add to the collections since it is not as unique, and you can use it in a wide variety of situations. Even though it is not a one of a kind nickname, the name still symbolizes devotion and classic love. 


“Sweetheart” is another classic one for the books. While this name can be seen as cheesy or even derogatory in some cases (being called “sweetheart” as a waitress, for example), the name will invoke feelings of warmth and love in your partner when used right. The name is such an original sign of love, and when you say it genuinely, it is one of the sweetest names around. 


If you are looking for a more casual and fun name, then this is for you. “Sugar” is a great nickname to call your girlfriend and will represent the fun and flirty aspects of your relationship. The name is more casual than serious and will invoke feelings of excitement and affection. 

Something to note about this name is that it works great as one of the nicknames of many you call your girlfriend. However, some girls may not like it if that is the only thing you call her (since it is more casual in tone). 

Love Bug

The nickname “love bug” has been in circulation for a while. It symbolizes a very cute and adorable relationship filled with outwards displays of affection. Calling your girlfriend love bug will make her happy and will leave her feeling loved. 


If you are looking for a nickname that is still cute but shows the utmost devotion and affection towards your girlfriend, then “love” will be a good choice. “Love” will be a nickname to use for a serious relationship after you both have declared your love for each other. The name has a very sweet tone and exemplifies how much your girlfriend means to you. The nickname itself is a reminder that you love her.


“Princess” is a popular nickname for a certain kind of couple. The name is used a lot with couples who love to show affection in different and memorable ways. Your girlfriend will feel like the most special girl in the world when you call her this since it symbolizes how unique and wonderful she is. The name puts her on a pedestal in your eyes, and she will love it. 


You can either use this alone or use it with “princess” and call her “princess peach.” This nickname is very cute and symbolizes a fun and caring relationship. The name is great for showing that you think she is the most adorable and cute girl in the world. Your girlfriend will feel both flirty and loved when you call her this. 


This nickname is a really fun name to call your girlfriend. Any food-related nickname will always induce some laughter and affection. “Cupcake” is the perfect name for those who want a more laid-back tone. It is also great to use if you are not sure how serious you two are yet. 

Never Call Your Girlfriend These Names

While there are hundreds of nicknames you can call your girlfriend, there are also some things you should never call her. Let’s take a look at a few. 


Even though this may be fine to call your girlfriend in a long-term relationship in a funny way, you should stay clear of calling her this when you are getting to know each other. If you call her “dude,” she will feel like one of the guys. It will make her feel less special than she is and leave her wondering what your true feelings are towards her. 


Another name that is similar to “dude” is “bro.” I would even advise not to use it in a long term relationship. Even though she may say she is okay with it and knows it is a silly name, it still takes the romance out of the relationship. It will leave her wondering if she is not as attractive as a lover to you anymore. The last thing you want your girl to feel is that she is only a friend, and that’s the only way you look at her. 

Hot Stuff (As the Only Nickname You Have for Her)

Before we get into this name, I want to note that it is still okay to call your girlfriend “hot stuff” if she likes it. It can become an issue, though, when you only call her things like “hot stuff” or “sexy.” Calling her those names is a great way to boost her confidence and help her feel attractive. However, when you only call her those names, she will begin to feel that that is all she is to you – a sexy woman. 

Girls love to be called sexy; it makes them feel attractive. They also want to know that you see them as a person they trust and someone they love even when they don’t look their best. Make sure to let her know that you love her despite how she looks. She wants you to be in love with her personality as well as her physique. 

Anything That Implies Something Negative About Her Appearance 

Similar to the point right before this one, there will always be some grey area with these. All relationships are different, and some girls will be okay with certain names while others don’t. However, you should always be careful not to call her anything that implies something negative about her appearance. These names can be anything from “freckles” to “chunky” (It may be hard to believe, but “chunky” is a nickname I have seen multiple times on websites). 

When it comes to nicknames based on appearance, it all depends on how your girlfriend feels about that particular aspect of her appearance. Some girls may love her freckles while others won’t. If you want to play it safe, simply avoid any nicknames that comment on her appearance. 

Read more: Nicknames for girls


There are many different names you can call your girlfriend. However, make sure to know where you are in your relationship and what she prefers before deciding on a permanent nickname. 

If you are looking for a more casual, fun nickname, you can choose princess, sugar, peach, or boo. If you want a more serious nickname that showcases your love for her, you can call her love, sweetheart, darling, or your one and only. Don’t be afraid to try out many different nicknames and have fun with it!


I just love everything about names. Here I ha’ve gathered everything about names in The United States and around the world...

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